Demo Content Import

Import Demo

1.  First, go to Appearance > Import Demo Data

2.  click Import button to start importation of the demo website.

3. Please wait until the demo data is imported properly because it may take a while.

4. And finally when demo data importation is finished successfully  you will see a confirmation message. 

Permalinks Setup

To create a custom URL structure for your permalinks go to Settings > Permalinks  and fill in the Common Settings and Product Permalinks forms there.

Homepage Setup

Go to settings > Reading. And choose A static page and set your Homepage and Post page then hit the save changes button.

Menu Setup

Go to Appearance > Menus And choose Primary in the Menu Settings  then hit the Save Menu button.

Elementor Setup

1. Go to Elementor > Settings and Choose Style Tab

2. By Default Content Width is 1140px. But you should edit to 1200px and hit the button Save Changes below.

3. Edit Content Width is 1200px and hit the button Save Changes below

Update Site Address (URL)

1. Go to Elementor > Tools and Choose Replace URL

2. For Updating Site URL, Put old url and new url. Then hit the Replace URL button.

Elementor Global Font Setup

1. Go to Page 

2. And Choose Edit or Edit with Elementor.

3. Hit the button.

4. At the top left corner of the Elemetor Dashboard click the button

5. After clicking the button , you can see the 3-Tabs in style Section. Now open the Default Fonts.

6. Here you can change the font-size and font-weight

7. Here change Family: Robot to Lora and Weight: 600 in Primary Headline. and Secondary Headline.

8. Here change Family: Robot to Nunito and Weight: 600 in Body Text and Accent Text.

9. Then hit the Apply Button Above.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.

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